The World Buddha Foundation was formed and founded on 22nd May 1976 at Bodh Gaya. Bihar in the presence and blessings of the Venevabl monks of the Buddhist Monasteries of Burma, Srilanka, Thailand, Japan, Tibet, Bhutan, Bangladesh, China, Srilanka, Nepal , Tai Bodhikham, International Mediation Centre, Chakama Buddhist Monastery(Chittagaon) and Buddha Gaya Maha-Vihar Main Temple of Lord Buddha.
It was resolued in the meeting that the said Trust be named as World Buddha Fuondation
Having is head quarders or Bodh Gaya (Bihar). The Fouundation was declared formed & founded by initial generous donation of dr. harish sankriyayan, who accepted Buddhism on 25th may 1975. the foundation was thus formed & founded on 22nd may 1976, & subsequently duly registered o 26th sept. 1978 with the Registrar of Ranchi vidi Registration No. IV/217/78 under Indian Trusts Act 1882.
Objectives of The Foundation
- It shall be purely charitable, philanthropic, academic, cultural and religious organization of the people of Buddhist faith to serve, volunteer and help people in distress, victims of natural calamities physically & mentally handicapped; socially, educationally and economically backward, sick & needy etc. without making any reservation/demoveation of any nature.
- It will establish, undertake, maintain, open & run centers to develop awareness in the members and the people towards The values and feelings of our people living in any part of the world. It will also work for the welfare & upliftment of the members and the people of Buddhist faith.
- It will build, establish, undertake,maintain, open & run educational institutions, technical institutions, hospitals, adult education centre, dispensaries retiring centres, prayer halls temples for the people of Buddhist faith & houses for homeless, suffers, socially dropped out, desired & unwanted children ; handicapped, aged bhikshus & bhikhunies.
- It will build, establish, undertake, maintain open & run such industrial & manufacturing units where suffers, handicrapped, deserted, socially dropped outs, economically backward, unwanted & orphan children & aged can work without being a burden on others. These units will not run with a profit-motive
- It will do & take-up such work, programmes or to converte meetings,seminars, conferences by which peace & awareness in the world can be brought & maintained..
- it will organize & run programmes which will in calculate the habit of restraint, adjustment peaceful co-existence, living tolerance, non-violence, brotherhood feeling among members & people of the world.
- it will train & prepare devotees & volunteers so that they could spread the teachings & phibsoply of lord Buddha to the world
- It will seek & accept donations, ground, offerings, amatory semices of the devotee mew hers, subscriptions contribution and may seek and ungulate to get loan form the financial institutions, banks, individuals and deal with the same for the objections and programmers of the foundation.
- It will invest, own, possess, dispose off, transfer, enter into agreement, contract and otherwise deal with the regular business subject matter, fund, resources, assets of the Foundation in such manner as the Board of Trustees will deem fit and proper in running and managing the offers of the Fuondation.
- It will undertake &organize other programmers supplementary to the objectives of the Foundation or as decided by the fround of Trustees.
- It will constitute, observe & follow its own constitution by the Board of Trustees from time to time for managing and executing its policies, programmers and administration for smooth running and functioning of all the establishments and mist of the Foundation.
- Where constitution and bye – laws of the Foundation will be found exhausted, the Indian Trusts Oct 1882 will be referred for any legal and practical guidance or the opinion of the Distract Judge of Gaya or Ranchi may be sought.